Effective Cultural Orientation classes draw upon the strengths and capacities of individuals. A strengths-based approach builds on what learners bring to the situation rather than focusing on their shortcomings. In this course, you’ll review the principles associated with this approach and learn how to apply them in your Cultural Orientation delivery. […]
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What will help refugees better learn and remember what is taught in Cultural Orientation? How can you keep them engaged in Cultural Orientation content? In this course, you’ll explore the Six Principles of Adult Learning and consider how they can be applied in your Cultural Orientation delivery to ensure your lessons stick. Adult learning principles […]
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When you think back on your education, you likely experienced classrooms led by a lecturing figure of authority. But is that the best way to learn? This course explains the differences between student-centered and teacher-centered learning and will help you identify techniques to apply more student-centered techniques in your Cultural Orientation delivery. […]
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The refugee resettlement journey is long and complex. Learners can become overwhelmed and have differing goals and concerns competing for their attention. In this course, you’ll learn how cognitive load can impact your Cultural Orientation delivery. You’ll be able to identify techniques to minimize cognitive overload and improve learner retention. […]
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