Digital technology plays an increasingly vital role in the refugee resettlement experience. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for digital skills expanded as resettlement services, including Cultural Orientation, transitioned to remote delivery. To assist service providers in maximizing digital technology when in-person Cultural Orientation resumes, CORE created a new online course, Integrating Digital Technology in Cultural Orientation.
Prior to COVID-19, CORE collaborated with Cultural Orientation providers globally to document and promote the use of digital technology in Cultural Orientation, including the publication of a Digital Awareness lesson plan as well as a fact sheet and podcast on digital awareness for refugees. Expanding on these resources with lessons learned and additional research, the Integrating Digital Technology in Cultural Orientation course provides tips and strategies to incorporate digital technology into in-person Cultural Orientation sessions.
Highlights of the course:
- Self-assessment and concrete actions to integrate technology into Cultural Orientation based on your organization’s capacity and the populations you serve;
- Scenario-based learning generated from lessons tested in the U.S. and overseas;
- Access to additional external resources and guidance on developing digital literacy coaching skills.
How to access course: Log in to CORE’s Online Courses or go directly to the new course. You’ll find it in the “Enhancing Cultural Orientation” section. New users can create an account on the CORE site.
Note: The new course does not focus solely on delivering Cultural Orientation remotely, but if your office is still unable to conduct in-person Cultural Orientation, you can find additional tips and resources on remote Cultural Orientation on the CORE website.